How many pieces of you are there? Have you ever wondered?
Being a soul with multiple lives we are always seeking the whole. What this means is there is a over soul which works as a leader. Helping us to seek out the other parts. The other name is the higher self.
So what happens when part of our soul is in another person? How does that work?
There is no way for them to be brought back into us, unless they pass. Or is there?
Many are here at this time to work through this very example.
If you sense that part of your soul is in another person, what is the next step?
The other person need not be involved. For this is your own soul. You are always in control.
First there is a lot of healing work to be had. Many hours of clearing out what you no longer resonate with. Clearing past hurts as well as old beliefs. Clearing multiple timelines. Clearing out old attachments and disconnecting to what you don’t need.
Next you will feel that there is still a person you haven’t been able to clear. Maybe a person which still irritates you. Or someone you have long said goodbye too. Either way there is still unresolved pain from your own disagreement with how they live their life.
When you are able to hold that person as a piece of you, you are able to become healed. Just knowing what they are, means you honour that piece of you.
If this post has brought up more emotions for you, stay in that. We are all working as a team to bring into the light what needs to. If you feel you need extra assistance to clear what has been triggered, you can make an appointment to work with Mel. Going into a more peaceful state of mind is the aim. All words on this website are coded for your highest good.