Help is here. You are welcome to contact us with your questions or booking enquiry. If you are wanting to book a session please provide preferred days/times and we will reply with availability.
A complimentary 10min call is available (please provide your phone number) if you would like to talk through your questions or situation. With your permission, Mel can tune in to determine which one/s of our services or how many sessions you will be requiring. We are here to assist.
Email: newearthteaching [at] (use the @ symbol in the email)
To make an enquiry by phone, text or leave a message with your preferred time for a call. M: 0404 018 418 (If outside of Australia…replace the first “0” with the country code “+61”)
Days of work: Monday to Saturday.
Location: Zoom sessions available worldwide. In-person sessions available at Emu Plains, NSW, Australia.