Lightworker tasks

Lightworker tasks can look different for everyone. They can include being in a state of pure love and it can also involve doing a task.

Tasks can include being a lawyer who is bringing the old systems down. Another task is people sharing the truth for their friends and family to see. It can also involve healing people from their traumas and hurts. Lightworkers are needed for many different roles at this time.

You may feel called to do a certain task that in the past has made you uncomfortable. We ask you to find your inner lion or lioness and let them out to help you complete your task.

There are also people like Mel who have been given a leadership role and they are one of the first to reach 5D. These people are vital for helping to anchor in New Earth. You may feel called to be in a leadership role also and we ask you to contact Mel to see what is needed to be done.

Please be in your own lane with your lightworker tasks and not compare yourself to anyone else. You are all important at this time.

Lightworker tasks are tasks that you feel called to do in your heart and can be any of the following:

  • Helping people around you stay out of fear.
  • Helping people around you to see their own worth.
  • Helping people around you to remember that they are resilient and strong and can get through this.
  • Helping people around you to be in abundance and focus on gratitude and giving.
  • Helping people around you to always stay in the frequency of pure love.
  • Helping people around you to be in a state of acceptance.
  • Helping people around you to go to their employers and bosses and stand up for their rights.
  • Helping people around you to go out in their local communities and be in their freedom.
  • Helping people to know what their rights are.
  • Helping people to be in a state of peace.
  • Helping people to be in a state of abundance.
  • Helping people to be in a state of knowing that love is the answer.
  • Helping people to know that there is light at the end of this tunnel for humanity.