New Earth

There is a new consciousness building. You will sense it. This consciousness is a new way of being. A new way of living.

New Earth is a construct. A construct of different systems, different ways of being, different methods of healing and different forms of exchange. Financially there will be a different system of money. The banks will not exist. They will crumble in the exposure of the darkness. You will not lose your money. It will be transferred to the Quantum System.

The Quantum System will know what money you have and what you intent to do with it. It will recognise any spending on drugs or child trafficking. It will be able to stop the transaction. The Quantum System will also be able to detect your intensions for what you are buying. For example, it will detect if you are buying a gun to hunt or kill someone. Guns will only be permitted by New Earth if the intention is not to use it against another human being.

New Earth will also be a place of abundance. There is a form of abundance coming which will see every human being who has been able to raise their frequency out of fear and lack, receive a gift of abundance. This will mean that those people who are still in fear and lack will not receive the gift. It will become known to those people that they will not be able to live in New Earth. New Earth is not for everyone. There are some souls that still have lessons to learn. If you are reading this then you are going to New Earth.