Financially the world is changing. The banks will collapse and you will no longer have an institution looking after your money. You will not lose your money. Your money will be transferred to the Quantum System and you will become the owner.
You will start to see how your money has been used by the darkness to keep you in a debt system. You will begin to see how your money never really was worth anything. It was always used and reused for dark agendas.
The Quantum System will be a fair system of exchange. It will be a system of exchange where you will see who gets the money and what they use it for. The Quantum System is a system of quantum mathematics. It will be a system of knowing your worth and knowing your own value.
The Quantum System has an inbuilt computer which will know the details of every transaction. There is no hiding. You will know what is done with your money and you will know what is not done with your money. You will not be able to pretend or change your mind. It will read your thoughts and it will know if you are not being truthful.
The Quantum System has a way of knowing everything about you. It will become a way of life. It will be a way of insuring that the dark can never take over again. It will be a part of the rollout of GESARA.