The dark has left the planet and the light wins. A force has been keeping humanity as slaves in a debt based system. The dark has been able to control humanity with fear. Humanity has been working for the dark. The dark made it impossible for humanity to leave this planet. There was a reincarnation trap that saw souls trapped here. This meant that there was no way to leave. Souls who had learnt the lessons they came here to learn were unable to leave. These souls are now able to leave.
The light has been working to free humanity from this system. The dark has been taken off planet to be recycled. Humanity will be shown what has happened. There will be broadcast system which will show people a movie by the light. The movie will have humanity as innocent slaves. It will be a documentary of the way the dark took over. It will be a lot for humanity to deal with.
There is a need for lightworkers to do a task. Tasks will be shown here.