New Earth and your purpose

Lightworkers have a mission. New Earth will need you to be living your purpose. You can discover what your purpose is by reading this blog here. There is a way to know why you are here and what your role is. Your purpose has been agreed to before coming to earth, you are a soul who chose to be here at this time.

New Earth will need lightworkers who have remembered who they are and remembered their purpose. The world is rapidly changing. Humanity will need you to be in your role and shining your light for them. There is no more time, earth needs you now.

Humanity will need you in New Earth and you are needed to begin your roles. You are on earth to live out your purpose and Humanity is needing you to step up into your role.

A purpose is a way of being and living. We need all lightworkers to find their purpose and begin their mission so that others can begin to awaken.

Lightworkers have a purpose to fulfil. You have agreed to assist humanity through this ascension. There is another post here about ascension.