I am now a lightworker, now what? What are you here for? What is your purpose? You can read more about that here and here.
When you first wake up your realise that there is a new world to discover. A world of truth and love. What you may not realise is there is now a need for you to discover your purpose as quickly as possible. You are needed.
When we first woke up to what the food industry was doing to our foods and our water we were horrified. How dare they knowingly poison us? Then we calmed down and set about purchasing organic foods and purified water. The same principle applies here. How can you now step back and say I want out of the matrix. I want out of the corrupt system for good. I want to be free to live my life on my own terms without any rules. As long as you aren’t harming anyone or lying or cheating you should not have to follow any other rules. This is what the bible was trying to tell us. The 10 commandments was handed down to Moses as he had discovered his purpose and he was there to help.
You are now a lightworker, now what? Now you begin your healing and your ascension journey. Now you begin the rest of your life. This is a brand new life and it is exciting.
You will need to firstly understand a few things. You will need to know that we are here to help but we are not here to hold your hand everyday. That is your job. You are here to discover who you really are. You are here to discover that you were put on earth at this time for a big purpose. You are needed to help others through it as well. You are needed to take people by the hand and show them the way through. You will need to rediscover that you already knew this and that you had just built up layers over it. Layers of lies and layers of hurt. Layers of ego and layers of being told untruths.
Now it is time to celebrate. Now it is time to know that in your heart of hearts you are the one you have been waiting for. You are here for a purpose and you are going to discover that. You will need to be able to comprehend that there is not a new world order. This was a distraction. This was all a distraction to keep you away from yourself. To keep you guessing and to keep you confused. Now you will know that there really is only the light left. All the dark has left. All the dark has been taken away and you are only left in the light.
You also need to comprehend that there is a need for your purpose and there is no one else who can do it quite like you. We are all very unique and we all have a role to play. If you want to know more about what roles will be in new earth you can download the New Earth Teaching video here.