I am lost in my own drama

I am lost in my own drama, is this you? You will know that you are in safe hands and you will be helped soon. The light is turning on. You are going to go through a time of conflict in your body. The dark is leaving you and you need to find the way though.

You will need to know that we are here to support you. You will know that there is help available. You will need to know that what you are about to uncover about yourself will be magical. You will also need to know that what you have just gone through is called an awakening. You have just experienced an event that has shaken you to the core. You will need to now be able to work your way out of it. Yes this is possible.

You will know that there is a way through and you will find it.

This is a post to help you know that there is help coming. You can view our offerings page here. We will be here to assist as many people as possible. You will know that you have found what you are looking for.

You are not lost in your own trauma you are temporarily letting it affect you. Once you are able to clear some of it you will discover that you are ok. You have just been in a storm and now the light is starting to shine again.

You will be able to resonate with this post if you have ever gone through a breakdown of any kind. A moment when you have reached rock bottom. A moment when you didn’t know which way was up or down and you couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Well congratulations you have found it. You have found what you need.

This whole website has been set up to assist you through the storm. What this is referring to is your own storm of the awakening process. You will know that people will enter the storm at a different time then others. Now you are reaching the other side. Now you are going to be ok. Now you will know that there are beautiful healers ready to help you.