Gold has always been thought of as the most precious of the metals used to exchange. This has been the way for thousands of years. You will need to now be aware that this has also been a lie. Gold is not going to be used to back the new currency. Silver will.
Silver is the more precious of the metals to exchange with. It has been suppressed for many years. This has given the humans who have awakened first the opportunity to invest in some. Silver will become the currency of the New Earth. You will know when you look at it that is is lighter in colour than gold. There is a good reason for this. Silver is from the light. You will now come to learn why gold was used to trick the humans into being enslaved for it.
Gold was once used as a currency by the Kings and the Lords of the land. They used gold to turn people into a type of slave. Getting them to work for it and getting them to pay them with it. Gold was the most expensive thing and it needed to be. Gold was where the dark got their power from. Silver is where the light will get its power from.
Silver has now grown to be the most sort after of the exchangeable metals. It has now increased in value so much that the dark is afraid of it and they are suppressing its value.
You now have the opportunity to turn your money into Silver before the suppression is lifted. You will be able to purchase more Silver from reputable places here and here in Sydney.
Silver will become much more sort after as more people wake up. You still have a bit of time to invest once the financial crash happens. Silver will then be released to the public as the new currency and they will need you to have some. You will be able to exchange your silver for things that you need. You will be able to purchase cars and houses with Silver. Silver will be the new currency when the world has gone into panic.
Lightworkers are needed to have some Silver Coins to give to people that have done some healing and seen the light. This will be a token of your gratitude for finally waking up and joining us. You will need to also know that the price of Gold will go down. So you may wish to go and swap out your gold for Silver. You will have a little while to do this once the financial crash occurs. Gold may even go up in value then. Before it is announced gold will still be more valuable. Then the announcement will be made about Silver.
Many of the dark are hording mountains of gold. They know a financial crash is coming. They know that they will be safe if they have turned their money into gold. Then will come the flip. Then the light will be turned on and the silver announcement will occur. That’s when the price of gold will fall. That’s when the dark will be finally gone. They will lose all their wealth and they will not be happy.
You will need to stay away from them while this happens. You will need to know that you are safe if you have some silver. Silver can bring in the light and it will help humanity to win.