There is going to be many things come out and one thing is that the mainstream media has been lying to us for decades. What you may not know is that the media is all paid for by the people who pay for the government and who own the banks and who own the land that you live on. Every piece of land has been divided up amongst them and every piece of paper printed to be money has been made from their own machines.
You’re about to now find out that the people you have watched for years on your TV are not who they say they are. They are not the nice people you think they are and they are not doing this because they have just been paid. They have been doing this because they too are in the same evil club. This club has been called many things including the Freemason and the masons and the dark cult. Whatever you call it they have been able to bring in a lot of darkness and this was their plan all along. They do not care for humanity and they themselves are human yet they have bred out the light and bred out the love. This has been happening for thousands of years and now it has been stopped. No longer will they be able to create another human with these characteristics and no longer will they be able to stand in so much darkness. They will only be able to see the light for they are too far gone. They will not be able to heal and they will not be able to live their life out on earth. There is a special place for them and they will be in that place soon.
The media has been lying to you about almost everything. Who won the elections, who is going into space and who is running your countries. They do not share what is really going on and they enjoy this. That’s why they appear to have so much fun on TV. They are making you believe things that aren’t true and they are enjoying it. Yes it is sick and yes you have a right to be angry.
What needs to happen now is for everyone to come together and turn the light on the media and together this can be turned around. There are many good people out there that have been reporting the truth for many years and they will be able to help. Ask them to step up and ask them to bring the truth to the Australian people.
You need to know that the media will be made to face justice and they will not be able to spread anymore lies.