When you build something new its important to not take anything from the old with you. The New Earth is being built by your actions and thought. This is how things are created and this is how the dark was able to use what humanity created for their own purposes.
You see the dark has been able to steer the actions and thoughts of the masses to help them get what they wanted.
When the New Earth is built it won’t have anything from the old world and it won’t have the things that the dark got humanity to create.
When the dark was using humanity to create things it used them to bring in more darkness and to feed it with their fear, hate and sadness. The dark used many thing like the news and the movies to get humans to think about all the things in the world that they wanted more of. Like fear and war and endless spending of money on meaningless things.
You will know this is what they were doing when you realise how powerful your actions and thought are. When you are of the light you are even more powerful which is why the dark always targeted the light first. Many lightworkers who have tried over time to expose the doings of the dark have been put through hell. They were vilified and had their lives destroyed by lies and using the dark systems against them.
When you discover what has been happening you are going to be very angry. This is to be expected. What you do need to do though is not take your anger out on those lightworkers who have been trying to wake you up, but rather back on the dark. We need you to turn back to the dark and tell them enough is enough. You will be able to use the new court systems to go after them and you will be able to help with the exposure. You will also be able to have your time over by living your life out in peace and having your truth heard.
There is going to be many new things coming and it will be exciting. You will be able to experience many new things and there will be times of great joy.
If this sounds like a place you want to go, then keep up your healing and ascension work. As you must be a healed being to go to New Earth and you must be able to stand in your truth and claim your sovereignty. If you need help you can book in for a session here.
When you are having a day of doing not much, please take a moment to dream about the New Earth. We are needing more dreamer who have the ability to create with their thoughts. If you think you are great at this then please get in contact with us here. We are needing more dreamers on the team and you may be one of them.
New Earth will be beautiful and New Earth will have its own way of doing things. It won’t be like anything we have on this earth, it will be much much better. If you can stop and imagine this then you are likely to be going to New Earth. Thank you for seeing the light and thank you for taking the time to visit this site.