What I’m going to say I’m sure you have heard before. That voice in your head is talking to you.
That voice in your head which is telling you that this isn’t true is now the one from the dark. You have two voices in your mind and the one that is always telling you that you aren’t good enough, or that you aren’t going to make it is the one from the dark. The voice that tells you that you are beautiful and that you are getting stronger is from the light.
When you know this, you have the power to choose which voice you want to listen too. Do you want to choose the dark or the light?
When you get a thought that is of helping someone it is from the light and you need to trust it. You are constantly getting ideas put in your head and you need to takes these and run with them so this is now your lightworker tasks. You can read more lightworker task posts here.
Now when you get an idea, ask yourself it is helping someone? If it is it is from the light. You are needed to do this task and you will be helping someone out.
When you get an ideas that is not for the benefit of anyone else, it is from the dark.
We need as many lightworkers as possible doing there tasks and each one you do is bringing us all to the end of this physiological war.
When you are ready please also do your healing work as both things together will assist with your ascension. You have only a small amount of time to prove that you have chosen the light and this is called the judgement. When you are ready you can also learn about the laws of this universe and how you are meant to live.
There is now going to be a big test for humanity, are you ready for it? The test will be if you are willing to help out other people while you yourself are in a place of hardship. Everyone will experience something. Even if you have prepared for the banking crash you will be tested in other ways too. You will need to know that what you have come to learn is that this is the final judgement that is mentioned in the book of Revelations and that this is what it was referring too. There will be many people who don’t pass the test and there will be many that will. Which side will you be on?
When the judgement time is here will you be listening to that voice in your head that tell you to hord all your things and not share? Or will you listen to the voice that tells you that it is ok to help others as whatever you put out in the world, comes back.
When you have made up your mind, please remind yourself each day. Place a note on the bathroom mirror if needed as this storm will be the biggest test you have ever gone through and you will need all the reminding that you can get.
When you are ready to help bring in the light you will be able to see that this doesn’t need to be scary or even a time of hardship. It actually could be really fun and you will know it always feels good to help people out. Thank you for choosing the light and thank you for helping people around you. I say around you because it is important that the other person sees your face when you are giving them something. It is important that they recognise that it is a gift. You can read more about this important universal law here.
There is now going to be a need to come together and to work with each other. No more war and no more division. This is the time for peace and for helping each other out.
When the time come to receive something from someone, please remember to thank them. This is an important step and one which the other person needs to hear.
When you can bring yourself back to the light you will know you have plenty to give and you will know that when the time come you will be ready. When the time comes, which isn’t far away, you will be able to return to this website for daily updates. I will be getting a message about how humanity is tracking and what things you need to be focusing on. I will be ready to work hard for humanity and I need you to be at your best too. Thank you for being here at this time in history and thank you for caring about people around you. Give and you will receive, this is in the bible too and will be a mantra to live by. Give and you will be rewarded when the time comes to receive.
I have a question. I had possibly a lucid dream about three weeks ago. In the dream there were guides around me, voices and good feeling energies. I couldn’t see them but they were saying to me I had to leave my husband. That was my final mission. My husband and I have had a rough two years. I’ve focused more energy into saying how much I want to leave him the past year than loving him.
When this dream happened it felt like it was a test, the leave him in order to get to the other side. But when I woke up and looked at scripture, prayed on it it just seemed so against what God would want. Soni started living in Love with my husband and things have gotten SO much better. But I’m still wondering why I got this message in my dream? Was it a test?
Only you can answer what is right for you. We are tested everyday. As a suggestion I’d be asking for a clear sign of what is it your soul needs. If you find you do need to leave someone who isn’t showing you the love you deserve I’d also be asking for your next step. Always seek your own guidance. As when we seek it outside of ourselves, we fall pry to someone else’s ideas of what is our path. Best wishes. If you need anything to assist you to call in more of your own power, I can assist with a PSYCH-K Healing. Mel x