This will be a post about the history of Ukraine. This is needed for you to comprehend why it is now in the news.
When the Ukraine was granted its own state by Russia it was able to establish itself as an independent country. This also meant that it was vulnerable. Without the protection of Russia the powers that were, were able to move in.
When this happens it means that there is now an opportunity for the US to move in. This also meant that there was another country in which they could set up their drugs and other ways to make money.
When the Ukraine people started to lose their powers, many of them left. You can look up this information for yourself. This also gave the powers that were, more control. Now this is where it gets interesting…
War is a strategy that is used for depopulation, fear and to also bring in more controls. This was what they did.
War has been used over the years as a tool of the cabal. They love to cause conflict, terror and be in control of it all. Then fund both sides and they make a ton of money.
Now what you need to know is that these cabal leaders were in Ukraine because this was the only place they could set up their bioweapon labs.
Bioweapon labs are not allowed anywhere else, except China and Taiwan.
When the covid-19 virus was created it was also sent to Ukraine. The plan was to release it from both places so it would travel faster and this was then stopped. If you have watched the Fall of Cabal series parts 1-10 you will know that there has been a group of ‘white hats’ helping to save humanity.
When the covid-19 virus was leaked it was also made into a common cold. Yes the covid-19 that the world has just experienced what nothing more than a standard coronavirus or common cold. Look up the meaning of coronavirus.
Now you will learn that when their evil plan was stopped it also gave the white hats the perfect cover to go in and round up these monsters. You can read more about this here and here.
Now you will also learn that what the world has gone through is a big movie to help wake people up and to provide cover for many arrests.
If you are aware of the Q movement you will be able to know more about this. No it wasn’t a pysop, it was real.
When you know, you know. When you comprehend what has been going on you will know that what I have been doing for 2 years to wake people up is all because of my love for my country and for humanity. There is nothing I won’t do and you will see this. This is now a state of war and you are in the firing line. You have now been part of the biggest physiological war of all time. Yes you. Yes the whole world and yes it is all real.
Now you will know that the covid-19 is nothing to be afraid of but it could have been. If you have taken the vaccine you have been the ones to spread the new variants. A virus can only be spread by those people who have been injected with it and yes you have been one of them. Now you will need to read this post here as well as here. I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news, I have been trying to warn you for 2 years. You can contact me when you are ready to find out if I can help you or not. I won’t be able to help you if you are still in a place of not accepting all of this information. Until you have woken up to what the dark was doing and admitted that you fell for it, I won’t be able to help you.