Corona, the big distraction

How was the last two years for you? Were they some of the best years of your life or some of the worst? Everything going on has been a distraction.

When you know, you know.

When you find out that covid-19 was nothing more than the common cold, you realise that there must have been something else going on. So what? and what required the world to all be distracted for close to 2 years? There is now going to be some more information revealed about this.

When you know, you know. You know that something is coming that is so big that it must be something that will change the world forever. Can you feel it? What can you feel? Does it feel like its a good thing? Or does it feel like a scary thing?

When you realise that something big is about to go down, you are then in a position to prepare. These posts here will help you with the preparation side.

When you have a preparation plan you are then in a position to feel into what is happening, without the shadow side of you taking you into a state of fear. If you are feeling fear, you still have things to heal. If you need to clear many things in bulk, then book a session with Mel here or Rod can also help. Mel is a master at bulk clearings and has developed a technique that she will soon be teaching to other people. If you are already a healer and interested in learning this, please contact Mel here.

If you are still wondering what the big distraction was for then please start watching Charlie Ward videos. He is on Bitchute or he does have his own website here. When you begin watching, keep in mind he has a lot of different guests on. He is under a NDA (Non disclosure Agreement) so can’t say much at the moment. But for those of us who have been watching him for a while, you can pick up clues by his smile and body language when his guests say certain things. This is how a lot of the information is getting out at the moment. People who are not meant to say anything are finding creative ways to still leak out other information by getting people on that will bring certain topics up. So start feeling into each video and see what your body is telling you. Some guests you will resonate with, and others you won’t. That is all part of the practice for your discernment muscle. All our senses are like muscles and need to be worked out to get stronger.

When you find out what the big distraction is to cover up, then you will want to know why did the world need to go through all this? Why couldn’t the new financial system just be rolled out? Because it is like nothing like anyone has ever seen before and you will know why soon, as it will involve the Governments of the world falling. Yes all the worlds Governments will fall and yes this needs to happen. Just like the Banking Collapse needs to happen.

When the Banks collapse and the corrupt Governments fall, it will mean that the people of the world will have no one to turn to. No-one except each other. What a beautiful thing.

I know in a time of crisis in Australia that the Australian people all work together and they help one another. There is so much generosity and this time the corrupt charities won’t be keeping it. This time people will help each other directly, the way it is suppose to happen. This time they will ask if their neighbour needs anything and if they can help out their friend. This time the world will find that they in fact don’t need to have a Government and they certainly don’t need one that was so corrupt. So much information will come out about how corrupt they were and what a lot of the politician were up to. A lot of the information will be disturbing but it needs to be known. It needs to be known so that the people of the world never let it happen again.

When you know, you know.

If this post has brought up more emotions for you, stay in that. We are all working as a team to bring into the light what needs to. If you feel you need extra assistance to clear what has been triggered, you can make an appointment to work with Mel. Going into a more peaceful state of mind is the aim. All words on this website are coded for your highest good.