How to talk to trees

Trees are our connection to the creator. They are our direct line to God source energy and they are here to help you reconnect to the creator. Trees are here to help us be in our own power and not give it away to other sources. You will now learn how to talk to trees.

You will begin by introducing yourself to one and sitting with your back against it. Next you will begin to share your troubles and then sit in silence as you tune in for answers.

Trees are wonderful listeners and they have missed hearing from you. Trees are the ones to send your messages directly to the creator and be in contact with you to help you get a message back.

Trees are here to listen to you and to bring you messages. They will always listen and they will always bring you a message. It is up to you to tune in for the answer. You will build your confidence with this the more you do it.

Trees are not here to take aways your troubles they are here to help you to work out a way through it. You will know what to do and how to do it. You will find your inner lion or lioness and you will bring them out to help stand beside you in support.

You are a powerful being that has had your power hidden from you. You are a great human here to bring your light to the world. You are not here to live in the shadows or live in fear or lack. You are always going to know this if you start talking to the trees.

You are here at this time to shine your light bright so we need you reconnecting to your inner guidance and connecting to God source energy.

We are giving you this message through Mel as she has learned to talk to the trees and hear their messages from the creator. You will know in your heart this is true so we ask you to begin your relationship with trees today.

QUESTION: Can people talk to trees in their minds or by writing down their questions?

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