Mother Earth is abundant. We have everything we need to live. There has been a mass deception going on that there is lack. When in fact there is enough food to feed everyone and enough land for everyone to have space to grow their own food.
There will be a new way of living coming. A way of living that involves abundance for all.
Mother Earth is now healing and is ascending.
There will be a wave of changes coming that will provide for every animal and human on the planet. Abundance in the form of organic food to eat, clean water to drink and land for everyone to live in peace. Mother Earth is now in a phase of ascension that involves being able to provide to everyone.
It has been a big undertaking to get Mother Earth to this point. There has been many challenges. Mother Earth is now ready to ascend fully.
You will now starts to see changes. You will now start to feel the changes. You will now start to be the changes. You will now start the New Earth call Blessed Gaia.
Blessed Gaia will provide everything you need. There will be a transitioning period which will involve you learning how to grow your own food and how to keep it. It will involve you getting out into nature and observing how nature works. Blessed Gaia is excited to teach you. You will become knowledgable in the way the food grows and how it is best kept.
There is abundance for all and it will be given to you soon.