5D and the ascension

Humanity is ascending into a higher state of consciousness. Which means that humanity is raising their frequency. There is a blog called Mother Earth is abundant you can read to help you understand ascension more.

You are reading this if you already on your ascension journey. Being in 5D is how you help the earth ascend and how you help others around you ascend. You can assist others by being in a state of acceptance, peace and love. There is a couple of meditations on this website to help you remain in those states throughout your day. Please utilise these and share them.

You have visited this website for a reason. You are here to assist the ascension and assist humanity.

Ascension is how humanity will escape the darkness and bring in the light. 5D is a dimension of acceptance and abundance. You will enjoy living in 5D. You can start living in it now.

There is a New Earth forming which will be home to everyone who can hold the frequency of 5D. New Earth is not for everyone. There are souls who still have lessons to learn. There are people who want to stay in fear and lack. Everyone has a choice.

You are a soul who came here to help humanity ascend into 5D and we want to encourage you to use this website as a information source and place to receive your lightworker tasks.

Ascension is a choice. You have a choice to ascend or not. Therefore we hope you are choosing everyday to be in 5D.