Quantum System and the New Earth

You are in a changing world and the old world is crumbling. You are going to see many changes. The dark has been in control of the world, but now the light will be. The Quantum System has been developed by the light.

The Quantum System will be a system of fairness and love. It will be a way of living and being. You will not be able to cheat or steal or hurt anyone. It will be able to identify if someone is a person of the light or the dark. The dark will not be able to control you or hurt you anymore.

It will be a new way of exchanging. The Quantum System will replace the old banking system. The banking system is crumbling. It has been used by the dark to control humanity and keep them in debt. You will soon realise that the dark has been using the banking system to enslave humanity. The light has been working to free humanity and bring in the Quantum System.

The Quantum System is going to be announced after the banking system collapses. This will be part of the flood of information which will sweep the world. It is going to be a time of chaos and confusion for many. Lightworkers will be needed to hold the frequency of peace and acceptance and love. Lightworkers are here at this time to assist humanity. Humanity will need as many lightworkers as possible to help with this.