What does the Great Reset mean? Here we are going to discuss how humanity has been reset in the past and there has been a change in the timelines. Now humanity will need to understand why this happened. If you have ever had a sore on your knee you will know that it is hard not to pick at the scab. When the world has been in chaos in the past humanity was picking at the scab. This is why the reset was needed. In the past there was a need for humanity to be reset into another timeline that took them away from the sore and into a time without it. Why am I telling you all this?
What I am beginning to understand is that we are not who we think we are. We are not just souls in a body and then we die. We are much much more. What you will come to realise is that there was a time in this world that humanity were able to live off the land and live in harmony. This was when the Bible was written. There was a need to ensure that humanity wouldn’t forget about their own power and they wouldn’t forget that they are here for a purpose and it is this purpose that they need to discover.
We are all creatures of a creator. There are those of us who have chosen to live out our lives remembering this. Then there are those that have forgotten. We are all sons and daughters of the infinite creator and we are here to remember that.
What you now need to understand is that within this universe is also a multiverse. It has many layers. There is a layer for those souls that choose to remain in the 3D. There will also be a layer that is being created that those souls who wish to evolve will enter. It will be called New Earth.
You can read about New Earth here.
There is also a need to now tell you about a person who is going to be called into the light. This person is known to you. It is you. You can feel the call of the light. You can feel the desire to know what is happening. You will need to be aware that there is now going to be a time of chaos. This is needed as a way to reset the human race into knowing what was really going on.
In the past when a reset was needed the human face was simply rebooted. They woke up one day and didn’t know where they where. They then continued on with their lives.
Now we all have an opportunity to live through a reset and be able to remember what it was all about. We are the first to Iive through it and will be the first to set up a new timeline ourselves.
This is now called the Great Reset.
What we all need to do now is to continue on with our lives, but this time remembering why the reset needed to occur. How did we get so lost. Why did we allow ourselves to become so enslaved. You will all need to look at yourselves and ask these questions.
Mel and Rod and here at this time to assist. They have woken up to the facts of this universe and they are ready for the new timeline. You will need to decide what timeline you wish to be on. A timeline where you continue with the world as it is. Or a timeline where you have moved on from your slavery and into sovereignty. You will need to have done your healing and you will need to be able to accept what has happened. This will not be an easy task but you can do it.
This is a time of great change. This is a time when you will grow the most. This is a time when you will see that there is more to the world than you ever could have imagined. This is the time of your life.
If you would like to be helped through this process called ascension you can contact us here.
You will know this is true by how you feel when you read this. You will know that there has been a great injustice done to humans. You will know that it is now time to evolve past this. You are needed on New Earth if you have found this page. If you have any questions you can contact us here. If you don’t wish to come to New Earth that is totally your decision.