I am awake, now what?

I am awake, now what? You have recently found out that your whole life has been a lie. Now what do you do? What to you say to others? Will they understand?

Don’t worry there are millions of us who have gone through the same. Thank you for joining us.

Now you will need to try to work out how you are going to live your life going forward. You will need to rediscover who you are. You will need to work out what you want to do. If money wasn’t an object, what would that be? You will now be able to ask yourself these questions.

You will be able to understand that you are not alone in this. You will need to understand that what you thought was true was a lie and what you thought was a lie, is true. You are here at this time for a reason. You are here at this time because you have a bigger purpose and now you can go about discovering this. What you won’t want to do is to present that you are not awake. If we all did that then we are all still asleep.

You will need to heal yourself. You will need to have an opportunity to overcome all the hurt. This is possible.

Mel is here as a beacon of light. She has been one of the first people to reach the 5D level and she is ready to help you. You won’t do this alone. You will need to know that this is not a game and that this is now the real life. This is now the real part of your soul journey. You will need to be aware that many people won’t choose to come to New Earth. They will want to keep their lives as they are. You will need to allow them that freedom of choice. You have a choice and so do they. As much as we want to save them from a system that is so corrupt. We can not. It is their soul decision that was made before coming to earth. They will need to know that what you are doing is not out of fear but out of love. They will not understand it and they will not believe you. We have all gone through this and you are not alone. You will find your soul tribe and you will find a community of people around you that can understand where you are at.

Many people will choose to go to New Earth and that is so exciting. You will discover a new world of creative possibilities. You will find a way to ensure that you have enough to live on easily. You will find a means to escape from the system. Many people are doing it and many people have now come to realise that there is so much more to life. You will too.

Now it is time to heal. Now it is time to become the healed soul, so that you can live out your life as you desire. You will need to become familiar with a few key words: light codes; activation and remembering. We will now give you the definition of each in terms of this ascension journey. You will need to be familiar with these terms as these are terms that Mel and Rod will use in their sessions.

Lets start with light codes.

Light codes are the codes that come in from the light. What this means is that there is a source of light that is projecting down onto earth. You are of the light if you are reading this. You will know that the light has won. You have been able to ward off the dark. You have been able to overcome it. You have been able to withstand the dark and it will not affect you. You have now become a warrior of the light. You have now become known as a light worker. You will also need to become familiar with that term here. Codes are pieces of information that your system recognises and that have a meaning to you. For example it could be a piece of coding that switches back on a memory or a gift.

Light codes are activated when someone who is an activator gives you a type of response that you need. You will need to understand that this is not for everyone. Some people will want to stay in their own bubble and not explore more ways to heal. Mel is an activator. She helps create the response that your system needs to switch itself back on. She is not here to be your saviour or your own personal healer. She is here to spark the healing inside yourself to switch on.

If you would like to learn more than you can start here. This will help you to understand what you need to be doing in order to heal. You have come to this website for a reason and now you will understand why. You will begin to know what your purpose is and you will begin to understand that everything was not as it seemed.

Thank you for finally waking up. Thank you for being open to remembering who you are. Remembering is another word you will start to hear more often. It is referring to the deep remembering of the soul. The soul already knows why it is here. It is up to you to remove all the layer of hurt and ego that you have built up. You will be able to do this. The effort is so worth it. You will need to know that what is to come is now a time of chaos. A time where most people who have been asleep will suddenly wake up. It is going to cause some people to pass over. It is going to cause you to know that you have a lot of healing work to do. This is where Mel and her team come in and they are here to assist. You will know that there is a gift waiting for you when you remember. Your soul has the gift and only you can open it.

Mel is needing some more people around her to help her. If you feel this is you then please get in contact. You can let us know your gift and how you can help here.