You are the light. You are the love. You are hear to live out your purpose and you are here to enable others to do the same. You will need to comprehend that there will now be a time of chaos. There is going to be a financial collapse and you will be needed to help out those around you. You will know who to help and who needs more of a shock to wake them up.
If you are reading this then you are from the light. Know that this website has now been encrypted so that the dark will be repealed. If someone you know has read this website and is in a state of denial then their dark is too strong. They will need to seek assistance and they will be able to return when there shadows are more healed.
You will all know someone like this. Someone who tries to counter everything you say. Someone who likes to stir up doubt and confusion. Someone for whom the dark is too strong. It may be their ego or it may be all the past hurts that they need to heal from. No one is beyond help. Even the darkest of characters that you know will come to see the light and they will have a chance to repent. If they repent and there is a need for justice then this will happen. There will be no one who escapes this.
You are the light and you are here for a purpose. Why do I keep saying this? Why do I keep writing posts about your purpose? Why is there a need to have it written down again so you see it over and over. It is because it is important. Nothing is more important than discovering your purpose.
Purpose is a big word. It means that you are here for a role that only you can do. Only you can do it in your own way. Only you can discover this.
Now we will tell you a story about how Mel discovered her purpose. She was on the kitchen floor crying when she ask for help and received it. Mel was on the kitchen floor in tears that her life was not going according to plan and she had no idea what to do. This was in the year 2012 and she had a moment of asking for help. This call was answered and she began to see light at the end of the dark tunnel. That was a while ago now and since then Mel has gone on to learn many things. She learned about the food industry and the medical industry. She learned about big agriculture and big Pharma. She learned about the water and the air. She also learned that she could heal herself with food.
Now we fast forward to March 2020. When the world was shut down for a cold virus Mel started to ask questions. Why was the government closing down her business when she taught people how to look after their immune system. Nothing made sense. Then came the realisation that she would need to retrain. Her workshops and events couldn’t continue while the world was in lockdown. So she retained as a PSYCH-K facilitator.
Now Mel is a very gifted healer. As she worked on herself first she started to awaken all the remembering in her body and mind. She started to discover that she had the ability to channel messages. Now she receives message everyday and for many other people.
What Mel is now doing, is becoming a leader of healers. All her past skills and experience of running a business has made it a natural transition. Mel is now growing her team and she will need to find more people to assist her. If you feel that you are that person you are to contact her here.
Mel will now be offering traineeships. You will get to train with Mel and be guided by her. Mel will need you to be completely healed.
If you feel that this opportunity is for you then you will need to contact her and provide evidence of your healing ability.
There will be one spot opening up each month and the training will be in person. You will need to visit Mel at Emu Plains.
You will know if this is for you or not. If it is please contact us here.