Many people have now chosen to see the light. See the truth. See what was always there but they had blocked it out. Now there is more light within them that they can see the dark for what it is. This is how the dark still exists.
When you choose to see the truth you will realise that what was always there was a part of yourself that knew the truth. A part of yourself that could feel what was right but you had chosen to ignore it. Now you will know that this part of you does know that is right and you will begin to follow its advise more.
There is the tiny voice inside of each of us that says we are going to make it. This voice needs to become louder and to do this you must keep up with your own healing work. You need to be able to clear off the layers of hurt that has been built up over the years. Clear away your trauma and pain and find the version of you underneath that knows who they are and what they are meant to do in this lifetime. If you are ready to clear away your hurts in bulk you can book a PSYCH-K Healing Session with Mel here and or a session with Rod to clear away your inherited pains. There are options to choose from and this will be an effective way to heal.
When you meet Mel and Rod you will know that they are of the light. When you meet Mel you will feel her love and you will know that her heart is big. There will be a time when it will be a longer wait for a session as the word spreads of Mel and Rod’s abilities. They have been trained by many masters in the light realm and they will see you through your own healing path. If you have a question you can send it through here.
The dark still exist inside many people and we all have shadows to heal. So keep going and know that it is possible to completely become the light.