Who are the people in power?

The people in power are the same people who have been running the world from a very small part of the world. This place is Venice and it was why Italy was the first to lockdown. The light was able to use this opportunity to take out the head of the snake and it was why you wondered how could a virus in China spread to Italy so quickly? Did that make sense? This should have been your first clue that things were not as it seems.

The people who were in power are no longer and they have been taken out. This operation was completed in 2020 and it was the start of a worldwide plan to take out the dark players.

You will now come to learn that many people have been hurt in all this and this is not the doing of the light. The light has only used the dark’s moves against them and used it for the advantage of the light. You will know that the light is always trying to save lives and not hurt people. There was a plan to do this in one year but not enough people woke up.

If you woke up in 2020, thank you and thank you for being one of the few. It has now taken an extra year which has meant that the dark still had time to play out their vaccine moves and more people have died than needed to.

You will also come to realised that the vaccines have also been played with by the light and many were used as a placebo. So you may be one of the fortunate ones who received saline. However if you have gone onto take the second and third and even forth vaccines then you would have received the poison. People were given one chance and then it was up to them to decide to keep following the governments rules or make a decision against it.

The people who were in power had a lot of influence and a lot of ways to make people do what they needed them to do. Including blackmail, threat and bribery. They were also the ones who brought in the human trafficking as a way to feed their addiction to a substance called adrenochrome. What you may have heard about this is likely all true. These people are sick and they will not stop at anything to get what they want. The substance is made using the hormone produce when someone is in extreme fear. You will find out more about this soon.

There is now going to be more details come out about child trafficking and the link between this sick crime and the celebrities, sports people and governments. You will begin to hear about certain big names that have mysteriously died. When in fact they are now being processed for crimes and they have made a plea bargain to not be named in turn for more evidence. You will now know the truth.

There will be many big names that are revealed to the public and you may be shocked about some. Big names such as Oprah, Ellen and Tom Hanks. These name may already be known to you, but those wakening up now may not know. Yes these people were evil and they have done unthinkable things. It must be known so that humanity never allows this to happen to children again.

If you yourself have been a victim of pedophilia, SRA or trafficking you are not alone. There will be help available and you have the right to bring these people to justice. The courts will be changing and you will receive a fair hearing.

The people who were in power are no more. Their rein is over and now the light in the souls of each of us can shine.