Finding calm in the storm

This post is for all the lightworkers out there who are in the middle of a huge day of being themselves.

You are doing so well and you are doing the best you can. Take comfort in knowing that your actions are helping and this is what you came here to do.

If you are feeling tired or if you are feeling like you just aren’t heard. I want you to know that you have been. Each time you hold strong to the truth and each time you hold your energy strong, you are helping on an energetic level.

This is a multilevel war and you are helping on many different levels. So know that even if you haven’t been able to wake someone up today, you are still helping the energy of the whole planet to rise.

This is going to take some time. This is going to take a strong army of lightworkers to hold the frequency we need to turn this from dark to light.

You are here for a purpose and thank you for doing it. Thank you for doing what you came here to do and thank you for being a warrior of the light.

There is going to be a time of great hardship and this must be something that humanity goes through. If they don’t then it will happen again and we can’t let that be.

You are going to have easy days and you are going to have harder days. What you will always be able to do though is to ask for assistance from your higher self. Ask your higher self to send in the light codes that you need for the day and ask for the presence of mind to do what you need to do.

For those of you who haven’t discovered your role yet you can read through this post here about lightworker tasks. You can also read through these posts here.

Lightworkers are anyone who has seen the light and is able to do their role. If you are still to discover your purpose you can read this post here, here and here.

We are needing all lightworkers to keep stepping up and keep going with their purpose. If you are struggling you can request a message from your higher self here.

Please take a break to keep yourself calm and then please keep going. We will get through this storm together and we will get through to the New Earth.