When the banks collapse

This is a post that you may not wish to read. Why would the banks be collapsing? Why would the banks be wanting to keep your money and why would the banks ever do you wrong? Well let me explain…

This is going to be a bit of a long story, so get a cuppa and make yourself comfortable.

When you are ready begin to read and then you will know what is really going on.

This will be a way of you finding out what is really going on and who has been making the decisions in your life. Did you really think you had been made to wear a mask for a cold virus for nothing? This will be a version of the truth that you will hear. There is many around and many you may have heard about in movie plots and in conspiracy theories.

Well if you are still reading you are doing well. I expect many to stop reading before this point as the cognitive dissonance is so strong.

When you have come to realise what is really going on you can’t un-know it. You can’t un-see it and you can’t deny that you have been involved in the biggest movie of all times.

There is going to be many people who will not be able to cope with this news and there will be many who want to hang their heads in shame. What you only need to do is to face the truth and then start helping to get humanity out of it.

There is a need for you to know that only a small number of people have been controlling the worlds banking systems and the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with your own country. It is own by the banking cartel. It is all controlled by only a few families and they have been seeking to rule the world with their minions who are paid to do all their dirty work.

No-one knows the names of the biggest players but some names you may of heard of is the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and the Soros’s. This is enough for you to take and do your own research on YouTube and Duck Duck Go. As we have mentioned before Google is a dark run search engine and most things are heavily censored. If you do use Google then start at least on page three. The first two pages have a ton of fake articles and debunking news. This is how the dark have been able to hide the truth for so long.

The reason that more people know about what is really going on now is because there has been many many people helping to bring them down. It has been called a ‘White Hat’ operation and this means that the good people are doing all the work in the background to expose the dark’s agendas.

You may have heard about a place called Kazakhstan, this was the capital of the bankers and the Ukraine was their headquarters. They were also the ones who own the city of Venice so that they could make everything into Maritime Law. When ships are at sea they do not have to abide by the law of the land. These families had in their mind that if they lived on the water that the law of the land wouldn’t apply to them.

Now you also need to know that when these families were taken out in the March of 2020, this was when the first covid lockdown happened. This was why Italy was the first to contract the ‘virus’ even though they are no where near Wuhan.

When you are ready there are also these posts to read here, here and here. These will help explain to you some more details and you will start to build up a bigger picture.

Now getting back to the bankers. The sinking of the Titanic Ship was all planned. There was several people on board that were apposing the start of the Federal Reserve. This you can find much information about.

When the great south land of Australia has conquered by the British they set up a new colony of the British Isles. This was the start of the new world order and this is when the world began to change. Before this the original people of this great land were of the light. They knew how to work together and they knew how to live of the land. They lived in peace and there has been much lies spread about what they were like. You will know in your heart this is true.

When the British set up the country called Australia it established a new way of working with the dark magic they had brought. They used human sacrifice to make their spells stronger and they also used rape. When there is human blood involved there is always a stronger bond and so began the human trafficking.

How did we go from banking to human trafficking? Well now I will share.

This information needs to get out there. This information needs to be shared far and wide. You can no longer play small and we need you to play big if you really want to defeat the dark.

You will be able to share this post and explore many more on this site. More will be added regularly and you will know that this is all channelled directly from source.

If you have been wary of channellers in the past, you may have a point. The dark has used many strategies to cause doubt and confusion. They have used people who pretend to be the light and used them in a dark way. When you hear this, does this resonate?

You are now going to learn that when the dark was in Australia they started to set up many tunnels. These tunnels stretch far and wide and they also link to countries on the other side of the world. This you will learn more about soon. So come back and visit this website when you are ready for more.

Many people who were involved have now been arrested and this is why the lockdowns needed to occur and why you may have heard aircraft overhead.

There is nothing that the dark have done that hasn’t been pure evil as they are pure evil. When you start to learn about the going ons of this group you will know that they have done unforeseen things to us humans who just wanted to live our lives.

When you are back on your chair, I will tell you some more.

When you are ready you can watch the Fall of Cabal Series parts 1-10. This does a great job at explaining what has been happening and how there was a plan to stop it.

Now you will also need to know that when you came to Earth you already knew this information. Your higher self is aware and you can go into meditation and ask if this is all true. The ego is powerful and will want it not to be true, so you will need to go deep into meditation to help you find the truth.

If this post has brought up more emotions for you, stay in that. We are all working as a team to bring into the light what needs to. If you feel you need extra assistance to clear what has been triggered, you can make an appointment to work with Mel. Going into a more peaceful state of mind is the aim. All words on this website are coded for your highest good.