When you know you know. You can feel that something big is in the air. Something so big that it will shift the way humans live forever.
This is now going to be a post to provide you with more information about the banking collapse. If you haven’t read the first post on this start here.
You will now find out some more details about how humanity got itself into this mess. How did we allow the banking cartel to rule us? How did we allow them to get us into so much debt?
This is how they did it.
I’m not here to give you all the answers, rather drop enough clues that you get curious to look into things further yourself. If I was to spend all my time re-looking up all the information I’ve read over the last 10years, I won’t get anything else done.
You will know in your heart that what I’m sharing with you on this page is true. So take note of the feelings in your body when you read this. This will be another post which you need to be sitting down for. When you are ready begin to read…
Did you realise that what you think about yourself becomes your reality? You have heard all the self-help gurus speak about this for years. So how did we allow the banking cartel to make us think we were nothing more than a slave to debt. You have your house loan, which you spend most of your working life paying off. Many have a car loan and your credit card. You may even have an investment loan. Why did they want us in debt?
The answer is because then we feel like we are never getting ahead. Our mind is so powerful and we are going to explain just how powerful the human mind is.
When you are in the womb, you are given your first set of codes. Codes are simply bite size pieces of information or beliefs about yourself. When you are in the womb, what your parents do is save for your arrival. They put the cot, pram and bassinet on the credit card and they go into debt for you. They do it out of love, but it is still in lack. This helps to set up how you will live your life as well and how you will discover other ways to get into debt and how you will make this a big part of your life. Now what happens when you finally pay off your home loan? What happens is you die. You “retire”. This is the meaning of retire. When you begin to find out all the hidden truths about why things are called what they are called, you will know that this is all true.
Let me give you another word. BIRTHday. What does a ship do when it comes into the harbour? It BIRTHs.
Now what does a ship do when it is getting repairs done? It goes into the DOCK. Think DOCtor.
Now how does your birth get registered? By a BIRTH certificate. Another BIRTH of a ship. To the banking elite you are nothing more than a ship. A ship that they pretend is lost at sea and to them this means that they have the right to your birth and you are even registered on the US stock exchange. What you need to know is that this has been stopped. Up until 2021 you could still find your own name of the US stock exchange. You will now need to find this information in historical records, but it is possible to verify this.
When you are a ship lost at sea you are a CORPSoration. To them you are dead. A corps. How does that sound to you? Are you still loving your banks?
Now when you know that you are a corporation, you know that you don’t have rights as a living soul. Because to them you are dead.
This is how they have been referring to you and why they don’t care if you die. Yes they are pure evil like we have explained in this post here and here.
When you have a handle of the above information you will be ready to explore this website more.
If you need to stop and take a break please do. These posts are to help get you curious enough to go off and find the facts yourself. Unless you are curious you won’t go and research things. So stop watching your Netflix and start finding out what the hell is happening.
When you know you know. I keep using this phase as this is how I knew that things were true. When I stumbled on the next piece of the puzzle I needed my body gave me a sign, usually with tingles/goosebumps or sometimes a knowing deep in my belly. How does your body communicate things to you? You can comment below.
I will leave you with this for now…
When the world has woken up it will not look the same. Everything will be turned on its head. Everything from the money system to the food system. From the birthing process to the way we treat the elderly. From the inception of a baby to the way we view death. From the way we celebrate a new partnership to the way we celebrate when a new tree is planted.
So much is going to change, so please start preparing yourself. There is so many rainbows coming for humanity that you won’t recognise your old life. This I can promise you and this I am helping to dream into reality which you can assist with too. If you are a dreamer then please read this post too on how you can help. Thank you for keeping an open mind and thank you for keeping up with your healing work.
If this post has brought up more emotions for you, stay in that. We are all working as a team to bring into the light what needs to. If you feel you need extra assistance to clear what has been triggered, you can make an appointment to work with Mel. Going into a more peaceful state of mind is the aim. All words on this website are coded for your highest good.