I am ready to learn more information

When you have discovered a post on this website that got you seeking out more details, you will have discovered that there is a lot of information out there. So much so that if I had spent all my time linking to it I’d have a very long post with too many links that you would be overwhelmed.

My mission is to generate your curiosity to learn more. I’m not here to do all the work for you. No one did it for me and if they did I wouldn’t have believed them. It was only when I opened up my mind long enough to allow my curiosity to lead me to the search engines that I started to find things out for myself. Sure I have watched a lot of videos of other people’s work, this is helpful. But unless I had discovered some of it on my own, a part of me still wouldn’t have believed it. The first video I was given the link to was of a virologist who had worked in labs. She had first hand knowledge of how these viruses are created and it gave me the fuel to dig deeper.

What was the first piece of information you saw that made you go um? What was the moment that you first thought, something doesn’t feel right with all this virus stuff? What was the moment that someone said something and your body gave you the chills? Did you listen to these moments or did you push them down?

It is important that you recognise that there has been a physiological war going on and there are many people working to bring down the dark.

You are not alone and you have now found a safe haven in which to explore. There will be nothing dark on this site. It is all encoded with light. So if you stubble over something that causes you to have a response, know that you have just hit up against a shadow within you. You would of heard of ‘doing your shadow work’ before. What this means is that yes there is shadows or dark within us all and it must be healed. You will need to recognise this.

This is now going to be a post of hope, because if there’s one thing humanity needs, it’s hope.

You are going to know that there is so much goodness coming and it will be worth all the pain of the crash. The banks will collapse and if you haven’t read these posts, please do.

There is going to be abundance coming so please don’t worry. If you need to help people out with your cash while they are in panic mode, please do. Everything will be returned to you. This is how the universe works. The dark have known this so they keep you from giving to your own neighbours and instead get you to support big charities that they run. We will get onto this subject in a future post. Let’s keep this light. You would have been better off helping people directly so you could exchange your energy and they could see your face. You see, when you give you are meant to say please accept this gift. They then have the opportunity to respond and it is their right to refuse. When you say it’s a gift, this tells the person that you are not expecting anything in return and they will know to pass it forward. This is a law of the universe and one that you will learn about soon. There is a video on this site which is available to access to learn about the law of one, law of attraction and law of attention.

This is now going to be a post to help you find the hope again and help you to know that there is so many things coming that you won’t even want to live in the old world again. There will be many new technologies and many ways to obtain free energy. The dark has had access to these and now it is the light’s turn.

You will all have the funds that you need to have a place to call home and land to grown food. You will all have gifts that you can share with others and be able to learn from many masters. You will all be able to find out the truth and know that when the dark has gone, that you helped. There will also be much joy and much love.

You will be able to live out your life in the safety of knowing that the child predators and all the corrupt officials have gone. You will also be able to seek your own trial if someone has done you wrong. You will be able to live in a knowing that all is now right with the world. When the dark has gone, it will be so light and you will be able to become who you came here to be. When you are ready you can read these post about finding your purpose here and here.

There is much to learn about so take your time, but don’t get distracted. Don’t allow your shadows to get you to stop. Remember that the light need to shine on the dark, that is the only way that the light truly wins.