I am the real thing

When you are in the path of the storm, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. When you are wanting some peace, you only need to look within.

We have everything we need inside of ourselves and we have everything we could ever want or need.

When you can place your hand on your heart and say I’m doing everything I can, this is enough. Until then, please keep going.

This is GO TIME and this is what you are here for.

I am the real thing. I have done all of my own 3D healing work and I have gone through every test. I am now on on the other side. This is what is meant by the real thing. Someone who has stood the test of time, against all the odds.

This is now going to be a whirlwind and this is now going to be a time of great hardship. Please keep your faith above all else. Keep the faith that the light has won and this just needs to play out so others around us get a chance to wake up too.

When you know the truth you have the backing of all the light beings who are assisting us. If this is too much to think about, then ask God.

When you know that there is a degree of truth to what I just said you will be able to open your minds to the next level of information. It was only when I did this that I have truly been able to bring in all of my extra sensory gifts in and you will receive some too. When you are completely healed there is a gift waiting for you. So please keep going with your own healing work too.

We are all capable of so much more than we realise and we are all capable of giving so much to others around us. Then you will know that you are going to become the full light and you will know that you have everything you need to go to New Earth.

What you now need to know is that unless you can do this, you won’t have a place in New Earth. New Earth is for all of the people who can accept that they are not alone in this universe and it will be magical. When you go to New Earth you will be living with other beings so best you open up your heart and mind now. When you are on the New Earth you won’t have any judgement and you won’t have any fear. You will only have acceptance and love for all things.

When you are ready there is many more videos to explore and people who can share many wondrous things. There is some names like Elena Danaan, Michelle Fielding, Alex Collier and Amanda Ellis. Please look them up on YouTube and take a look at some of their work. If you don’t resonate with one, then try another one.

When you are ready to have your consciousness expanded you will be ready for the next level of your ascension journey.

If you are ready for the next step, but feel stuck you may be needing an upgrade of your energy centres. You can read about this here and you can book one in with Mel by first requesting a message from your higher self.

There is now going to be a time of more disclosure so get ready.